Marketing for Mid-sized Businesses: Is It Too Early To Think About Facebook’s Metaverse?
Social media marketing is inseparable from Facebook – the company that not only created the template for social media but demonstrated what a powerful data collection tool it can be. Of all the platforms that have come around, none offer the same level of penetrating insight into their end-users. That creates opportunities for advertisers large […]
Two Reasons a Modern Pest Control Website Should Be Your Top Priority in 2022
Digital marketing has transformed the way business is done, but many pest control companies still aren’t taking full advantage of all it has to offer. And if you don’t have a great pest control website? You’re about to become invisible. Done right, a website is your most valuable marketing asset. It “sells” your brand 24 […]
Medical Practices: The Dos and Don’ts of Building Brand Loyalty Through Marketing
When it comes to brand loyalty, medical practice marketing has always faced a few challenges. Patients may want to stick with you, but it is not always a free choice – whether they have access to your services is largely dictated by insurance. With that in mind, you have an even taller order than businesses […]
Agency vs Freelancer vs Employee: Comparing Options While Thinking About Your Marketing Strategy
Without marketing, you’re invisible. So, how can you make it happen? Many Central Florida companies start out as one-person enterprises. The owner does it all. This may work for a while – it’s better suited for some industries than others – but it is a recipe for burnout. Sooner or later, your neck is going […]
3 Ways Orthodontists Are Leveraging TikTok to Connect With Their Audience in a More Personal Way
Most business owners first heard about TikTok when former President Trump made it an administration priority to get it banned in 2020. At that time, it would’ve been surprising to think that this app, which mostly seems to feature teens dancing and playing Fortnite, could be a marketing tool. Since then, it has continued to […]
How Pest Control Companies Can Maximize Their Social Media ROI by Hiring a Marketing Agency
“What’s the big deal about social media?” Many business owners ask this very question after trying, with limited success, to add social media to their pest control marketing. Social media platforms make a lot of promises about helping businesses “reach the world.” The reality can be more complicated. In fact, it can be downright disappointing. […]