Category: Digital Advertising

Advertising and Lead Gen: Be Prepared To Accept Failure If You Don’t Layer Your Marketing First

Advertising and Lead Gen: Be Prepared To Accept Failure If You Don’t Layer Your Marketing First Advertising and Lead Gen: Be Prepared To Accept Failure If You Don't Layer Your Marketing First

From the start, online advertising conjured up one big promise: Overnight website traffic. But no matter where you look in the history of digital marketing, this has come with a big asterisk. Long ago in the pre-Google days, online advertising mostly consisted of banner ads. With quaint names like “skyscraper” and “eye blaster,” they were […]

You Can’t Do Advertising Without First Doing Marketing, Here’s Why

You Can’t Do Advertising Without First Doing Marketing, Here’s Why You Can't Do Advertising Without First Doing Marketing, Here's Why

Online advertising has the potential to bring your website instant traffic. It’s a tempting proposition. And it’s almost always the wrong thing to do. Time after time, small and mid-sized businesses put down money, turn on their ads … and find they’ve gotten less than nothing. They don’t see any improvement in calls or sales, […]

Digital Marketing vs. Advertising: Key Differences and How They Work Together

Digital Marketing vs. Advertising: Key Differences and How They Work Together Digital Marketing vs. Advertising: Key Differences and How They Work Together

No matter what industry you’re in or where in Central Florida you are, one thing is for certain: The majority of your future customers will find you online. Digital marketing is your most crucial link to all those people. The earlier you get started, the sooner it can deliver compounding results with greater online visibility, […]

Advertising vs Marketing: Why 2022 is Changing Everything We Thought We Knew About Reaching People

Advertising vs Marketing: Why 2022 is Changing Everything We Thought We Knew About Reaching People Advertising vs Marketing: Why 2022 is Changing Everything We Thought We Knew About Reaching People

For years now, digital advertising has exceeded everyone’s expectations. Online advertising has beaten analysts’ predictions year after year going back to 2000. It now makes up a tremendous share of overall advertising – 64.4% of the total global spend of $763 billion that’s expected in 2022. Many of the biggest drivers of this growth are […]

3 Ways Service-Based Industries Benefit From an Agency-Driven Marketing Strategy

3 Ways Service-Based Industries Benefit From an Agency-Driven Marketing Strategy 3 Ways Service-Based Industries Benefit From an Agency-Driven Marketing Strategy

Service businesses are complex – not only for you but for your customers. Even when they’re looking for a specialized local business, potential customers usually have a half-dozen options to choose from. Most of them won’t make a snap decision, either. With all the information they have at their fingertips, they control the tempo of […]

3 Reasons Why Pay-Per-Click is About to Get a Whole Lot Worse

3 Reasons Why Pay-Per-Click is About to Get a Whole Lot Worse 3 Reasons Why Pay-Per-Click is About to Get a Whole Lot Worse

Online advertising is already a dicey proposition for most Central Florida businesses. The risks are high and the rewards are dwindling. Now, the latest research shows the costs are climbing even higher. No matter whether you use Facebook, Google, Twitter, or the rest, in 2022 you will have a harder time than ever realizing genuine […]

How Apple, Facebook, and Google Are Completely Changing The Landscape of Digital Advertising

How Apple, Facebook, and Google Are Completely Changing The Landscape of Digital Advertising How Apple, Facebook, and Google Are Completely Changing The Landscape of Digital Advertising

Apple, Facebook, and Google created the modern digital advertising infrastructure. Now, in many ways, they are destroying it. The promise of digital advertising is simple and alluring: Companies of any size have the opportunity to get their message in front of consumers. Because each ad is tied to a specific digital property, brands that provide […]

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1 Average median salary in Florida for ‘Marketing Director’, based on research by Glassdoor. 2 Retirement calculated at 3% contribution, based on research by 3 Health premium average calculated by ranges provided from a 2016 Health Benefits survey. 4 Total employee average calculated at first year and includes the following considerations: $4k onboarding and training, $1k software and subscriptions, and $3.75k outsourcing help. Total agency average based on Florida-located, full-service agency.