Orthodontists: How to Make the Perfect Gift Basket for Your Referral Partners

Referral partnerships are one of the secret weapons that Central Florida orthodontists can use to make sure they have a steady stream of new patients coming right to their door. As the name suggests, a referral partner is a business that refers customers to you. There are two kinds of referral partners in an integrated […]
Stop Chasing Leads! Turn Your Focus to Marketing-based Customer Retention Strategy For Healthy, Sustainable Growth

Businesses rarely take off like a rocket. Most aren’t built to do that. The concept of scalability means being able to meet the needs of your new customers as your brand’s reputation expands and you touch more people. Only a handful of businesses can scale without adding overhead, like people, equipment, and software. And all […]
Fun Ideas For Orthodontists That Run Contests and Giveaways On Social Media

When it comes to Central Florida orthodontist marketing, you want to be sure your audience is paying attention. It’s important to post regularly on social media, but it won’t help if no one reads! Between visits, orthodontist marketing is what keeps you connected with your patients. There’s a lot of value you can offer, even […]
Facebook and Google Are Decimating Paid Advertising, Forcing Businesses to Get Serious About Long-Haul Marketing Strategy

“If you build it, they will come.” This quote is the single biggest misconception people have about marketing their business online. It’s impossible to know the exact number, but experts estimate there are about 1.7 billion websites on the internet. The total changes every day as more websites are launched and others disappear into the […]
3 Ways Pest Control Companies Can Use Social Media To Grow Their Business

No matter what your message is, social media is there to amplify it for you. In the wide world of marketing for pest control companies, you have plenty of options. But no matter what you’re doing right now, odds are high that social media can make it even more effective. Despite that, many pest control […]
The Great Shakeup: How Things Are Changing For Independently Owned Dental Offices

How many dentist offices are there in your local area? Whatever the answer, the number is about to go down. But that doesn’t mean things will get any less competitive. Accelerated by the pandemic, huge changes are coming to the way dentistry is done. Dental office operations will change like never before in the next […]