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Why Copywriters Need to Understand Human Psychology

Think about some of the most successful marketing campaigns of all time. Some of the more recent campaigns that come to mind include “The Most Interesting Man in the World” campaign for Dos Equis beer and “The Man Your Man Could Smell Like” campaign by Old Spice. What do these campaigns have in common? They used excellent copywriters that knew how to craft each brand’s story in a way that would resonate with the target audience.
Depending on the size of your business and the resources available, you may choose to handle content marketing in-house. However, does your in-house marketing team have the experience and capability of telling your brand’s story in a compelling way through content creation? If you’re not getting a return on investment from your content marketing efforts, it’s time to outsourcing content creation to a professional agency that is well-versed in your industry.

The Relationship Between Human Psychology and Content Creation
Our creative team at New York Ave is passionate about helping our clients craft personalized content that makes their business more memorable with their target customers. Our unique approach of pairing an understanding of human psychology with our decades of experience in content creation allows us to put forth results-driven solutions for our clients.

Brain Triggers that Copywriters Need to Use to Drive Sales
In our opinion, the more grasp that your copywriters have of human psychology, the more effective your content marketing strategy will be. If you want to capture your audience’s attention with content, we suggest incorporating the following brain triggers into your content marketing strategy:

1. The Unknown
People are naturally curious, and the unknown motivates them to investigate rather than just respond. That’s why working “the unknown” into a piece of content is such a powerful way to captivate your audience and guide them along a journey. Leveraging an “information gap” in your marketing campaigns inspires your audience to read further to obtain the missing information.

2. High Prices
Somewhere along the line, marketers developed the misconception that you needed to offer cheap prices in order to attract customers. In reality, people have an extravagant nature (whether they realize it or not) and place more value on quality than just a cheap price. After all, you get what you pay for. The price that you charge sends a message about your product’s quality.

3. Personalization
There’s something powerful about seeing your name in print. Even if you have the inkling that the email you’ve received is spam, you’re still more likely to open it because it’s addressed to you. This is because your brain signals that whatever the content is in the email, it will be relevant to you. Personalizing calls-to-action have a 202 percent higher conversion rate than calls-to-action that don’t include a name.

4. Try Before You Buy
The words “guarantee” and “sale” are used so often in marketing that they’ve essentially lost their value. The human brain has become so accustomed to seeing these words in marketing messages that consumers have decreased their level of responsiveness when confronted with this type of language. Instead, marketers are better off giving the option to “try before you buy.” Because this approach is different, it resonates better with consumers. Also, offering the option to “try before you buy” conveys the confidence that you have in the quality of your product.

5. Exclusivity
Making your offer exclusive to a specific group of people will make them feel valued and important. Appealing to the ego is a compelling way to get your message heard. Also, depending on how your message is crafted, the limited time exclusive offer could entice consumers to take action sooner rather than later for the fear of missing out.

6. Try Our Competition
Assuming that your product or service is far superior than the competition’s, you could boldly ask your target audience to try out the competition first. People are attracted to confidence, and this applies to brands too. A comparison is the purest form of proof, and asking your audience to test out your rivals first is an incredibly persuasive marketing message that is sure to captivate consumers’ attention.

All in all, if you want to amplify the quality of the content you put forth and get better results from your efforts, be intentional about working these brain triggers into your content.

Our creative team at New York Ave can provide your business with the expertise and manpower to put together and manage an effective content marketing strategy. By understanding how the human mind works, we’re able to help your business craft a personalized digital marketing strategy that will resonate with your target audience. In addition to content creation, we can help your business with brand development, website design, search engine optimization, and digital marketing.

Contact us at New York Ave to realize the value that a professional copywriter can bring to your content marketing strategy.

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1 Average median salary in Florida for ‘Marketing Director’, based on research by Glassdoor. 2 Retirement calculated at 3% contribution, based on research by 3 Health premium average calculated by ranges provided from a 2016 Health Benefits survey. 4 Total employee average calculated at first year and includes the following considerations: $4k onboarding and training, $1k software and subscriptions, and $3.75k outsourcing help. Total agency average based on Florida-located, full-service agency.