
Marketing Plus Consulting Equals A Match Made In Heaven

Published on March 19, 2024

There are plenty of creative people out there in the marketing world.

But do they know how to solve problems?

There’s no denying that good marketing is a combination of data and art. But all too often, teams veer to one side or the other – and the art side is more prominent. Unfortunately, knowing how to make a terrific logo or write a good blog post doesn’t necessarily mean someone knows what to do with it once it’s done.

Effective marketing is about more than just the creative product. Yes, deliverables like social media and email marketing posts need to be envisioned, written, designed, and published on time—no doubt about it. But the power of good marketing doesn’t come from tactics. It comes from the strategy.

Are You Used to Marketing Without Strategy? Here’s What You’re Missing

If you’ve been getting marketing through freelancers or a smaller marketing agency, odds are good you’re used to discussing marketing deliverables in isolation. Marketers at this level are glad to tell you that you need good SEO, a blog, video marketing, and the rest … but they often don’t discuss where it’s all leading.

That’s because they don’t know.

So many marketers have spent all their time getting familiar with execution that strategy is a distant last place on their minds (if it registers at all.) Marketing agencies like that treat producing the deliverables as a problem to be solved, but marketing is about much more than that.

The real crux of the problem is:

  • Making sure people know what you do, who you do it for, and why you do it
  • Ensuring they know, like, and trust you enough to become first-time customers

To reach those goals, sleek marketing collateral alone isn’t enough. You need deep knowledge of your audience and the ability to operationalize it. In other words, you need to be addressing the right problems. And the only way to do that is with a marketing mindset that focuses on strategic planning.

By combining strategic planning and a consultative approach, New York Ave focuses on the right questions – not “How many blogs do we need?” but “What do we need to communicate, to whom, and how so your audience provides you with the leads, prospects, or customers you want?”

The Consultative Approach Is About Quality, Not Quantity

Just about everyone needs blogs, social media posts, and the rest. But you don’t get ahead by doing more – instead, you do things better. That’s the part of the equation “starving artist” marketers who focus only on creativity don’t understand, and it comes from a consultative view of marketing.

A consultative approach is grounded in strategic vision, and that can only come from marketers who have executive leadership experience. At New York Ave, our leaders have built businesses from scratch, courted investors, and led turnarounds. With that perspective, we know how to ask the right questions.

Good consultants should listen as much as they talk, and that’s how any engagement starts here at New York Ave. We sit down for a detailed discussion of you, your business, and your goals. We find most clients prefer this as a face-to-face meeting, but it can also be done over video if you prefer.

A consultative marketing discussion is always far-reaching but focused enough to verify we get everything we need to deliver work that moves the needle toward your goals. By the end, both sides should feel a confidence and clarity that serves as the bedrock of a productive future relationship.

As that relationship progresses, New York Ave will use its industry knowledge and data-driven insights into your unique business to ensure your marketing collateral is always on target. Over time, you’ll see concrete benefits: Not just improved traffic or “views,” but the kind of engagement that makes a real difference.

And if it turns out that New York Ave isn’t for you, that’s fine, too. We work best with established businesses ready to make the transition from organic growth to marketing-driven growth. That requires a commitment and an investment, that should always be properly timed to maximize the rewards.

If that doesn’t describe you right now, we’ll be there when you need us.

And if it does, we’re ready to help. With smashing success across a wide range of verticals for more than ten years, you can rest assured we’ll still be there in another five or ten. That’s more than you can say for all the freelance marketers you’ll find on marketplace websites, or small agencies who are still finding their feet.

Actionable Insight and Increased Confidence in Your Marketing Are Waiting

With our consultative approach to marketing, we’ll ask the right questions and get the right answers. A big part of that is found in our ability to capture the most useful data from your digital marketing properties. Every encounter between a visitor and your website, social media, or mailing list yields a treasure trove of data.

By collecting and using this data, we separate the signal from the noise in your interactions with your audience. That means no matter how trends change, we can ensure your marketing is always relevant, compelling, and a perfect fit. The more historical data we collect, the easier it is to extrapolate and see around corners.

Anyone can write a blog post, but if you want real confidence in your marketing, you need more.

And we’re ready to provide it. Before you sign a contract or spend a dollar on retainer, we want to help you make an informed decision you’ll be pleased with. The consultative approach starts from the moment you pick up the phone or send us an email. Let’s talk and discover what’s possible for you.

Contact New York Ave to learn more or get started.

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