A Step-by-Step Guide For Increasing Quality Traffic to Your Website

A Step-by-Step Guide For Increasing Quality Traffic to Your Website

Once you have a website, getting traffic is usually seen as the next step. But not all traffic is created equal. In fact, traffic that doesn’t convert is useless. Conversion describes the actions people take as they go from prospect to lead to customer. For your website to deliver value, it needs to be set […]

Hiring A Marketing Agency: What Does “Full Service” Mean?

Hiring A Marketing Agency: What Does "Full Service" Mean?

You don’t have to take our word for it, but for most Central Florida businesses, hiring a marketing agency is a good bet. It provides the opportunity to get concrete, sustainable results from digital marketing, all without the expense of recruiting a marketing director. (In fact, you can retain the talent of an entire agency […]

Why Medical Practices that Invest In Digital Marketing See Stronger Customer Retention

Why Medical Practices that Invest In Digital Marketing See Stronger Customer Retention

Medical practices are in a tough spot when it comes to customer retention. The healthcare decisions of many customers are guided by their insurance. If they can no longer get care covered, they may be driven to look at other practices practically overnight. But that doesn’t mean medical practices can’t do anything about customer retention. […]

How Much Should A Website Cost In 2022?

How Much Should A Website Cost In 2022?

In the end, a website shouldn’t cost anything – because it delivers ROI far exceeding its costs. Between now and then, what happens? There’s a lot of confusion out there about the cost of a website. Some “website builders” claim you shouldn’t pay anything at all, or at least not more than $20, as long […]